Shared Printers
Printer Sharing for Windows Vista Client PCs
The 4.x Card Printer Driver supports printer sharing on Windows Vista Client PCs, using the procedures described in this section.
Set Up the Host PC for Printer Sharing on Windows Vista
1Log in to the Host PC as a user with Administrator permissions.
2Install the printer driver on the Host PC. See "Installing the Driver with Bidirectional Communication" for more information.
3Rename the printer on the Host PC to use a short name with no spaces.
—For best results, use a name with 8 or fewer characters.
—See Windows help for "printer name" or "computer name" for allowed characters and naming guidelines.
4Restart Windows on the Host PC and log in as a user with Administrator permissions.
5Choose Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Printers to open the Printers window.
6Click the printer to select it and then right click and choose Sharing from the
7Click the "Change Sharing Options" button.
8Click "Continue" on the User Account Control warning.
9Choose "Share this printer." The name assigned in step 3 appears in the Share Name box. Do not change this name.
10Clear the "Render Print Jobs on Client Computers" checkbox.
11Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the settings and close the box.
When you share a printer, users at other PCs on the network can see the printer.
Install the Driver on the Client PC
Use this process at the Client PC to install the printer. If more than one Client PC will share the printer, repeat the procedure at each Client PC.
1Log in to the Client PC as a user with Administrator permission. For best results, the username and password should also be defined on the Host PC.
2Choose Start > Network and expand the Network selection to display the available networks and computers. If needed, click "Name" in the
3Choose the Host PC and expand the selection to display the printer.
4If you are prompted, log in to the Host PC with a username and password defined at the Host PC.
5Install the printer using Windows File and Printer Sharing.
b If prompted, click "Install driver" on the Printers dialog box.
c If prompted, click "Continue" on the User Account Control dialog box.
d A Windows Printer Installation dialog box is displayed while the printer in installed. It closes when printer installation is complete.
Installation Guide | 68 |