HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual HP Insight Environmental software troubleshooting

Models: Data Center EnvIronmental Edge

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HP Insight Environmental software troubleshooting







I browse to the HP Insight Environmental

Verify the following:


Observer home page, but the page does

All software components are installed correctly.


not load.

The home page URL is typed correctly.





The client machine where the browser is running is on the same



network as the HP Insight Environmental server.



HP Insight Environmental Application Server service is running



on the HP Insight Environmental server. The Application Server



must be running to enable Observer web access.



Port 8080 (http) and port 443 (https) are enabled, and are not



being blocked by the Windows® firewall.





I successfully browse to the HP Insight

Verify that the configuration data for your data center has been


Environmental Observer home page, but

exported to HP Insight Environmental Application Server. Use HP


the client window on the right side of the

Insight Environmental Configurator to configure your data center


console interface is blank.

information before exporting. For more information, see the HP



Insight Environmental Configurator User Guide.





I successfully browse to the HP Insight

The data center floor plan background image (*.PNG) file is either


Environmental Observer home page, but

missing or corrupted. For more information about creating and


the client window on the right side of the

exporting the data center background image, see the HP Insight


console interface does not show the data

Environmental Configurator User Guide.


center Overview floor plan.






I have rebooted HP Insight

One of the application variables is not set correctly. Verify that the


Environmental server, but the Application

JBOSS_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables point to the correct


Server is not starting.

installation folders.





The database is partially corrupted.

The server was not shut down correctly or the software installation



was unsuccessful and terminated. Verify the following steps are






Stop all software components and restart MySQL to recover



corrupted tables.



Delete JBoss hypersonic database to remove back logs of data.



You might lose some sensor history.



a. Stop the Application Server.



b. Delete data, temporary, and work



directories from the



JBOSS_HOME/server/default folder.



c. Restart the Application Server.



Restart the different software components, and then verify that



each component is functioning normally. The updated data



appears in the Observer software.





The Observer software is updating the

Verify the following:






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HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual HP Insight Environmental software troubleshooting, Problem Solution