You can add a note regarding the alert or reason for clearing it. Any added note appears with the alert in the Alert History tab.

For more information on clearing alerts, see Alerts menu (on page 68).

Alert History tab

To view the alert history for a specific zone:

1.From the Navigation panel, select the zone you want to display.

2.Select the Alert History tab. The information for historical alert data, including previously dismissed alerts, within that zone appears in Tabular view.

The header display area specifies the number of alerts in the selected date range. Select the + to select the columns you want to view.

3.Right-click any alert to export or print the alert information. For more information about exporting data, see Exporting tabular data to a .csv file (on page 52).

Exporting tabular data to a .csv file

To export the data:

1.Select the object tab in Tabular view.

2.Right-click the object for the data you want to export.

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