Hovering over any zone icon highlights the entire zone area, and opens a new window that contains configuration information, including the name and description of the zone.

Viewing zone Overview information

On the Overview tab, you can view the layout and details for base stations, racks, pressure objects, and CRAH/CRACs in the zone selected on the Navigation panel. For any selected object, you can view configuration information, real-time data, or historical data.

Callout Description

1Virtual map of the selected zone. Icons represent CRAH/CRACs, racks, and base stations. You can access configuration information, real-time data, and historical data for those objects from this view.

2Show/Hide and Filter Visible Objects buttons. These buttons enable you to determine what appears in the window or refresh the data.

3A moveable and dismissible legend. The panel provides a key to the icons that appear in the zone Overview and enables you to zoom in or out to change the view level.

4A zoom slider that enables you to enlarge and shrink the Overview image. The slider also enables

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