HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual Viewing animated information

Models: Data Center EnvIronmental Edge

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Viewing animated information

1.Select Animated.

2.Select the sensor-type you want to appear. A window prompts you to wait while the necessary images load into the animation.

3.Select the date range (up to 30 days) for your animation. The default date represents the last 24 hours.

a.Open the calendar window for the Start time.

b.Select the month. Use either the forward or back arrows to change the month, or select the month from the menu.

c.Select the year from the menu.

d.Select the day from the calendar view.

e.Close the calendar window.

f.Repeat the previous steps for the End time.

4.Select Refresh to update the image or to change the animation after changing the sensor-type or date range.

When loading is complete, the application displays a color animation of the distribution of the current readings for the selected sensor type within the specified date range.

The animation plays at the rate of one frame per second, and lasts for a maximum of two minutes. A counter at the lower right provides the currently displayed image, total number of images selected for the animation, and the number of images available for the selected time period. It also displays the progression through the images.

Directly below and to the right of the image of the zone, the time stamps for each captured image appear as that image appears on the screen.

Animation controls appear on the bottom left of the page. As the animation plays, the slider on the progress bar moves to the right to show the progression of frames. When the animation ends, the slider returns to its starting position at the far left.

At any time while the animation is playing, or after it ends, the following animation control options are available:

Select Play to begin the animation or restart the animation.

Select Pause to freeze the animation.

Select either Previous or Next to move forward or backward, respectively, in the animation.

Select Stop to halt the animation and return to the first frame in the series.

Position the mouse over the slider on the progress bar to drag the slider to the right or left. Release the slider to view a particular frame.

Drag the slider quickly to play the animation quickly.

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HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual Viewing animated information