HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual System restore, MySQL database

Models: Data Center EnvIronmental Edge

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The mySQL database

mysqldump - root -pdbuser -e -q --single-transaction synap > dbbackup.sql

(Optional) Environmental images—The image files might require a large amount of disk space to back-up. HP recommends only backing up the image files if you want to record past environmental images.

C:\Program Files\HP\HP Insight Environmental Software\HP Insight Environmental Imaging Server\output

System restore

If you need to restore files or move the database to a new server:

1.Install all of the software components on the new server. See the HP Insight Environmental Software Installation Guide for the software installation instructions.

2.Verify that the init_db batch file was run, recreating the database objects.

3.Shut down all software components running on the current server.

4.Restore the mySQL database from your back-up files. mysql -u root -pdbuser synap < dbbackup.sql

5.Restart each of the software components.

6.Load the saved configuration (DL) file, and then re-export the file to the new server.

7.If the environmental images were backed up, copy the saved images to the relative folder location on the new server. Maintaining the same folder location ensures that the database references remain valid.

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HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual System restore, MySQL database