HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge Insight Environmental Configurator User Guide , respectfully

Models: Data Center EnvIronmental Edge

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data slowly.

A good network connection exists between the browser client


and the Observer Server.


The database has been optimized for performance. In the


MySQL folder, increase the MySQL cache parameter to:




The Observer Server has enough memory.



There is little or no data from the

Verify the following:

wireless base stations.

There is a good wireless connection between the wireless base


stations and the gateways. Verify that each device has a green


status on the Wireless Sensor Network tab (on page 53). If the


device status is yellow, power cycle the wireless base station


and allow it to rejoin the wireless network.


There is a good network connection between the base station


gateway and the Observer server. If the gateway device status


is yellow, ping the gateway from the server.


The firewall settings are not blocking specific communication


ports used by the Observer Server or the base station





The wireless base station has a green

The green status of the base station indicates that the base station

status on the Base Station tab, but the

is communicating normally with the gateway.

associated rack object has a red status

The red status of the associated rack object indicates that there is

on the Racks tab.

an alert condition of at least one active alert on the rack object.


The alert must be cleared before it can return to a normal green





There is no Power Meters tab displayed

An ION power meter must be installed, configured, and exported

on the Observer interface.

in order to display on the Observer interface. If there are no power


meters to monitor, the Power Meters tab does not appear.



There are no data values displayed for

An issue exists with either your physical or virtual Modbus

my power meter devices.

connection. Verify the following:


The power meter is installed and configured correctly. For more


information about installation or configuration, see the HP


Insight Environmental Hardware Installation Guide and the HP


Insight Environmental Configurator User Guide, respectfully.


There is continuous communication between the Modbus


gateway, the Modbus base stations, and the Application


Server. You can verify all activity from the Device Manager


folder, under the dm.log.


The Modbus Plug-In is installed as an optional device of the


Device Manager.



I am a new user and I cannot login to

Verify that your user information has been configured and you

the Observer console.

have the appropriate permissions to access the data center and


zone information. For more information about user permissions, see


Setting permissions (on page 10).


If you still have issues, contact your HPIEO system administrator.



I can view information at the data center

Users must have permission to view both data center and zone

level, but I cannot view any information


at the zone level.

Contact your HPIEO system administrator to add user access to


applicable zones.



On the Imaging tab, there are no static

The imaging service might have been interrupted or stopped during

Troubleshooting 107

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HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual Insight Environmental Configurator User Guide , respectfully