HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual Deleting individual alerts

Models: Data Center EnvIronmental Edge

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To view all Inactive alerts, select Inactive from the View menu.

Deleting individual alerts

NOTE: The system-defined alerts cannot be edited or deleted. You can deactivate the alert, if you no longer want to receive warning of the alerting condition. All user-defined alerts include a trash can icon on the Manage Alerts window, and can be edited or deleted at any time with the appropriate user credentials.

Before an object can be deleted from the system, any alerts associated with it must be cleared. Therefore the deletion of the object cannot be accomplished by the software alone. The administrator must remove the object from any associated alerts.

1.From the Alerts menu, select Alert Management. The Manage Alerts window appears.

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HP Data Center EnvIronmental Edge manual Deleting individual alerts