Pre-Defined Metrics tab

The Pre-Defined Metrics tab provides detailed data on the current state of the selected zone. These metrics were developed in conjunction with the United Stated Department of Energy and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs to reflect the important aspects of the data center and provide information on the efficiency of the data center operations.

This information can be used to compare the effects of changes and help to improve overall efficiency. For more information, see Pre- defined metric definitions ("Pre-defined metric definitions" on page 37).

Accessing the Pre-Defined Metrics tab

1.From the Navigation panel, select the data center or zone you want to display.

2.Select the Pre-Defined Metrics tab. A tabular view of all calculated metric information appears in two categories (Rack and CRAH/CRAC).

Select the + to select all of the columns you want to view for that category.

3.Right-click any metric row. The options window appears.

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