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IDE Connectors

When you place Software Disc 1 in your CD-ROM and click Install hp dvd-writerthe software analyzes your computer and makes a recommendation about connecting the hp dvd-writer hardware.

The Install Recommendation tells you whether the hp dvd-writer should be connected to the primary or secondary controller in your computer.

NOTE: If the Install Recommendation states that your hp dvd-writer drive will share the data cable with another device (such as a CD-ROM drive), follow the cable already attached to the other device down to the circuit board in order to locate the IDE controller that you need. If you find an extra connector along that cable, simply attach that connector to the

hp dvd-writer drive.

Locate the recommended 40-pin IDE controller’s connector (primary or secondary) on your computer’s motherboard.

The IDE connectors are on the motherboard, which is the largest circuit board in your computer, taking up most of the bottom of a desktop computer or the side of a tower computer.

IDE connectors are usually found in pairs and may look like any of the following:

Figure 10 IDE Connectors

You will see a variety of connectors inside your computer that look similar to the 40-pin connector, but have more or fewer pins. Find the connectors that are the correct size to fit the cable that came in the box with your drive.

Figure 11 40-Pin IDE Connector

The IDE connectors may be hidden by some of the computer’s cables or may be behind a drive.

Many computers have an IDE hard drive or CD-ROM that connects to the motherboard through an IDE controller. The data cables on these drives have the same width as the data cable included with your hp dvd-writer. If your computer has an IDE hard drive or CD-ROM drive, you can follow the data cable from the back of one of those drives to find the IDE controller.

Computer manufacturers use a wide variety of labels for IDE connectors. Look on your computer’s circuit boards for printing identifying the primary and secondary connectors, such as:

-PRI and SEC

-IDE-0 and IDE-1

-IDE-1 and IDE-2

-HD and CD-ROM (most common devices to be attached)


hp dvd-writer dvd100i Technical Support Solutions Guide 10/25/01

IDE Connectors