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6. Compressed Data

If you format a disc with compression, the disc will only be readable on a computer with HP DLA installed.

7. Incompatibility with Direct CD

HP DLA and Direct CD perform similar functions and are incompatible. Some computers equipped with the Windows XP operating system will have Direct CD preinstalled at the factory. Please uninstall Direct CD then continue installing HP DLA.

8. Incompatibility with MS Backup

If you experience conflict with MS Backup and HP DLA, please eject all HP DLA discs or manually disable HP DLA during the backup process.

9. Problems with High Speed CD-RW Media

If you experience problems using high speed media with a low speed drive, please check with the manufacturer of your drive to determine what type of media is supported.

Then format again normally.

11. Problems reading CD-R media

For a non Multi-Read CD-ROM drive to read a CD-R disc, the media must be made "compatible." This media must not be compressed.

12. Multiple drive incompatibilities

If you have multiple IDE devices connected to the same IDE channel, you may experience problems using HP DLA simultaneously with other mastering software. To remedy this connect your IDE devices to different IDE channels (see your computer’s User Guide for more information).

13. Enabling/Disabling HP DLA

To enable or disable HP DLA, right click on the drive in Windows Explorer then choose either Enable or Disable.

14. Two identical drives

If you have two identical optical drives installed on your computer, HP DLA will only recognize one.

10. Problems formatting previously formatted DVD/CD-RW

15. Conflict with Nero software








Media previously formatted using another application may not format properly

If Nero disc mastering software is installed on your computer, HP DLA will not

recognize blank discs. The work-around for this conflict is to temporarily uninstall

using HP DLA. To correct this try one of the following procedures:

Nero’s software. Nero products do not affect HP DLA’s ability to read discs containing

Option 1:





Full format or blank the media with the application used to originally format the disc.

16. Issue with USB and Firewire (1394) devices




Option 2:




If you have a USB or other "hot-swappable" device and unplug it from your

From a command line prompt type the following command (where <drive letter> is the

computer, HP DLA will not recognize the drive when it’s plugged back in unless the

HP DLA device):

computer is restarted.




DLA format /F /H <drive letter>: none








For example, if your disc writing device is drive E, type:





DLA format /F /H e: none










hp dvd-writer dvd100i Technical Support Solutions Guide 10/25/01

HP DLA, Version 2.5