To Take Advantage of Dynamic Attach:

Check that JM_JAVA_HOME in $JMETER_HOME/config/hpjmeter.conf is set to a Java 6 directory (6.0.03 or later) to be able to later dynamically attach to a running JVM from the HPjmeter console without first setting HPjmeter options on the command line.

When HPjmeter is installed on a system that has Java 6 installed in the usual location, the installation procedure will automatically store the JDK location in hpjmeter.conf configuration file. If the Java 6.x JDK is installed in a non-standard location, or Java 6.x is installed after HPjmeter is installed, then it is necessary to update the hpjmeter.conf file manually. The typical contents of the file are:


1.The HPjmeter installation process will configure JDKs that are installed in the standard location. Some systems have JDKs installed in nonstandard locations, and some applications run with an embedded Java Runtime Environment. In these situations, it is necessary to explicitly indicate the location of HPjmeter libraries.

Assuming that JMETER_HOME represents your installation directory, modify the shared library path in your environment as follows:

On HP-UX running on HP Precision Architecture systems, add


On HP-UX running on Itanium-based systems with Java 5.x or later, add


On HP-UX running on Itanium-based systems, for JDK 1.4.x versions, use the SHLIB_PATH environment variable to specify the shared library path.

2.On HP-UX and running Java 1.4.x, specify the Xbootclasspath in your java command:

$ java -Xbootclasspath/a:$JMETER_HOME/lib/agent.jar $ ...

On Java 5.0 and later, -Xbootclasspathis optional.

3.Specify the HPjmeter switch in your java command: On Java 5.0 and later:

$ java -agentlib:jmeter[=options] ...

On Java 1.4.x :

$ java -Xrunjmeter[:options] -Xbootclasspath/a:$JMETER_HOME/lib/agent.jar ...

NOTE: If you use the 64-bit version of the JVM (using the -d64option), then you will need to use the 64-bit version of the JVM agent. For example, type

$ java -d64 HelloWorld

when SHLIB_PATH is $JMETER_HOME/lib/$ARCH and where $ARCH equals PA_RISC2.0W or IA64W.

See JVM Agent Options (page 17) for the list of available options and their descriptions.

Example Usage

Using -agentlibon Java 5.x to run the JVM agent:

$ /opt/java1.5/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -agentlib:jmeter myapp

Setting -Xbootclasspathand using -Xrunjmeteron Java 1.4 to run the JVM agent:

16 Completing Installation of HPjmeter

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HP jmeter Software for -UX manual Example Usage, On Java