connection failed
node agent not running, 37 console
guide, 99
launching from HP Systems Insight Manager, 93 main data pane, 94
main window, 93 memory use, 100 OutOfMemoryError, 193 performance, 193 performance overhead, 188
reports incorrect application name, 193 requirements, 14
session preferences, 100 starting, 23, 93
starting from command line on
starting on Microsoft Windows, 93 status bar, 100
using marked object history to find objects, 179 console guide
enable or disable, 23 contention
threads, 45 controller
alert, 105 controls
Alert Notification Editor, 108 count
method calls, 58 method compilation, 46
call graph, 75
exclusive method times, 141 monitoring percent usage, 136 time, 68, 69, 74
virtual time, 69
hprof options, 64 CPU usage
by processes, 113 by system, 114
crash application, 47
hprof options, 65
node agent, 37 verifying node agent, 37
capturing a snapshot of current live heap objects, 140 collection, 36
comparing, 140
comparing files, 71, 86 confirming integrity of, 21 display, 36 interpreting, 68 locating summaries, 69, 86 precision, 90
printing, 140
protecting confidentiality, 21 saving, 96, 140
saving from console, 39 scaling for comparison, 72 selecting filters, 36
setting collection preferences, 36
zooming in on a subset in GC viewers, 181 deadlock
detecting, 52 threads, 45
SSH tunnel host, 25
hprof options, 65 display
monitoring, 117
node color example, 76
possible problem methods, objects, 78 profile, 137
unknown values for GC type, 167 dormant mode
performance overhead, 187 dying
threads, 44 dynamic attach, 15, 187
alert notification, 101, 107 Eden
space, 89
find functions, 140 Scale, 140
Scale Special, 140 errors
installation, 192 JRE path, 192
Estimate menu, 78, 116, 156 exceptions thrown, 156 locating inlining candidates, 156 memory leak possibilities, 156
event alerts, 103
JVM agent option usage, 21 node color display, 76
exceptions filters, 120, 121 metrics, 120 stack traces, 121