The second example given here initializes a PCL 5 print job for printing Japanese text. The major differences from the previous example are that it specifies A4 paper, initializes the text parsing method to
?E?&l1x1h26a0o8c6e60F?&a5L?&t31P?(19K ~?(s1p10v0s0b28752T
The last line (2 lines, as shown) in the above example is a PCL 5 initialization string. This set of commands resets the printer, specifies 1 copy, specifies the paper tray as a paper source, chooses
After the PCL print data, the following commands would be used to complete the job:
Font Metric Calculation
Accurate character placement relies on the ability to predict character width and height. As a character’s point size changes, so does its width and height. (CAP displacement, the distance the CAP moves for vertically rotated text, is a
In proportionally spaced fonts, character widths also vary from character to character within the font. Variable character widths add complexity to maintaining accurate line widths, page breaks, or WYSIWYG operation. To support most proportionally spaced fonts, font metrics must be extracted from the font metric files.