HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro Printer
The HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro printer (C3935), released in May 1995, is designed primarily for the Japanese market. This printer provides a print resolution of 600 dpi, has a maximum print speed of 4ppm, 2Mb of internal base memory, and improved font cache algorithm. PCL operation for this printer is identical to that of the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer. For command support, refer to Table
The HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro printer contains the same two Japanese typefaces, MS Mincho and MS Gothic (and WIN3.1J symbol set), as those in the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer. (The HP LaserJet 4PJ and the 4LJ Pro printers have a reduced set of Intellifont fonts from that of the standard HP LaserJet 4 printer family.) For detailed font information refer to Chapter 3.
HP LaserJet 4LC Printer
The HP LaserJet 4LC printer (C3932), released in March 1995, is designed primarily for the Chinese market. This printer provides a print resolution of 600 dpi, has a maximum print speed of 4 ppm, 2Mb of internal base memory, and improved font cache algorithm. PCL operation for this printer is identical to that of the LaserJet 4PJ printer. For specific PCL command support information, refer to Table
The HP LaserJet 4LC printer contains three new Chinese typefaces, SimSun, SimHei, and
HP LaserJet 4LC printer contains the standard set of Intellifont fonts, unlike the HP LaserJet 4PJ and 4LJ Pro printers which have reduced Intellifont typeface sets.) Refer to Chapter 3 for detailed font information.
The typeface/font information, described in the “HP LaserJet 4PJ Printer” section earlier in this chapter for the