Chapter 3
Unless otherwise noted, the setting remains in effect until you turn off the camera. The next time you turn on the camera, the settings reset to their defaults.
Video Quality (
only)—Sets resolution and compression for video clips. The setting remains in effect until it is changed, even when you turn off the camera.
•Best (Default)—For outdoor action video clips or printing individual video frames up to 10.2 by 15.2 cm (4 by 6 in).
Better —For indoor video clips or printing individual video frames up to 7.6 by 12.7 cm (3 by 5 in).
Good —For capturing longer video clips or e-mailing shorter clips.
Self-Timer—For capturing images or recording video after a 10-second delay (see
“Using the Self-Timer settings” on page 20). The setting resets to Off after the image is taken.
•Off (Default)—Disables Self-Timer.
On—For taking one delayed shot or video clip.
On-2 Shots (
only)—For taking two delayed shots.
Steady Photo (R840 series only;
only)—For minimizing blur in pictures. This setting remains in effect until it is changed, even when you turn off the camera.
Off (Default), On
To use 

Steady Photo with R830 series cameras, see Steady Photo under “Using the shooting modes” on page 15.
Adaptive Lighting (
only)—Balances the relationship between light and dark areas. For more information, see “Adaptive Lighting” on page 21.
Off (Default), On
Image Quality (
only)—Sets resolution and compression for images. The greater the number, the higher the resolution. The setting remains in effect until it is changed, even when you turn off the camera.
R840 series:
•8MP Best—For enlarging or printing images greater than 41 x 51 cm (16 x 20 in).
•Normal (8MP) (Default)—For printing images up to 41 x 51 cm (16 x 20 in).
•5MP—For printing images up to 28 x 36 cm (11 by 14 in).
•2MP—For printing images up to 13 x 18 cm (5 by 7 in).
•VGA—For sending images via e-mail or posting them to the Internet.
R830 series:
•7MP Best—For enlarging or printing images greater than 28 x 36 cm (11 by 14 in).
•Normal (7MP) (Default)—For printing images up to 28 x 36 cm (11 by 14 in).
•5MP—For printing images up to 28 x 36 cm (11 by 14 in).
•2MP—For printing images up to 13 x 18 cm (5 by 7 in).
•VGA—For sending images via e-mail or posting them to the Internet.
Burst (
only)—For taking two or more shots quickly in succession (see “Using the Burst setting” on page 20).
Off (Default), On
Tag—Applies a tag to pictures and video clips as they are taken or recorded. The setting remains in effect until it is changed, even when you turn off the camera.
To select a tag to apply, use
to highlight a tag, then press
. For more information about tags, see “Tagging images” on page 24.