If you have a dual-language Video CD, you must select the language you want to hear, or both languages play at the same time. The sound of one language comes from the left channel (speaker) and the other language comes from the right channel. You select the language by adjusting the balance of the speaker volume to hear only one channel. After playing the Video CD, to hear sound from both speakers again, return the Volume Control Balance to the centre.

To select a language in InterVideo WinDVD Player:

1Insert the Video CD into your CD or DVD drive.

2Click Start, choose All Programs, Video, choose InterVideo WinDVD Player, and then click InterVideo WinDVD 4. The WinDVD control panel opens and your Video CD plays in the video window.

3Double-click the Volume icon on the taskbar.

4Under Volume Control Balance, move the slider bar all the way to the right or to the left, depending on which language you want to hear.

5Close the Volume Control window.

After playing the Video CD, to hear sound from both speakers again, double- click the Volume icon on the taskbar and then move the Balance slider bar back to the centre.

To select a language in Windows Media Player:

1Insert the Video CD into your CD or DVD drive.

2Click Start, choose All Programs, and then click Windows Media Player. The Windows Media Player main window opens.

3Click File on the menu bar at the top, and then click Open. (If you do not see the menu bar, click the small circle with the up/down arrows that is in the upper-left corner of the main window.)

4Click the drop-down arrow next to the Look In window, and then select the drive that has the Video CD.

5Double-click the MPEGAV folder. If nothing appears in the folder, select Any File (*.*) from the Files of type drop-down list.

6Select the file, and then click Open. Your Video CD begins playing.

7Double-click the Volume icon on the taskbar.

8Under Volume Control Balance, move the slider bar all the way to the right or to the left, depending on which language you want to hear.

9Close the Volume Control window.

After playing the Video CD, to hear sound from both speakers again, double- click the Volume icon on the taskbar and then move the Balance slider bar back to the centre.

working with sound, pictures, and video 55