All of the checks below are performed when you run cmcheckconf without any arguments (or with only -v, with or without -kor -K). cmcheckconf validates the current cluster and package configuration, including external scripts and pre-scripts for modular packages, and runs cmcompare to check file consistency across nodes. (This new version of the command also performs all of the checks that were done in previous releases.) See “Checking Cluster Components” (page 274) for details.

You may want to set up a cron (1m) job to run cmcheckconf regularly. See “Setting up Periodic Cluster Verification” (page 277).

These new checks are not done for legacy packages. For information about legacy and modular packages, see Chapter 6 (page 227).

LVM volume groups:

Check that each volume group contains the same physical volumes on each node

Check that each node has a working physical connection to the physical volumes

Check that volume groups used in modular packages are cluster-aware

LVM logical volumes

Check that file systems have been built on the logical volumes identified by the fs_name parameter (page 251) in the cluster's packages.

VxVM disk groups:

Check that each disk group contains the same disks on each node

Check that each node has a working physical connection to the disks

File consistency:

Check that files including the following are consistent across all nodes:

/etc/hosts (must contain all IP addresses configured into the cluster)



package control scripts for legacy packages (if you specify them)





user-created files (if you specify them)

Checking Cluster Components

The following table shows each component that you can check, the command or tool to use, and where to find further information.

274 Cluster and Package Maintenance

Page 274
Image 274
HP Serviceguard manual Checking Cluster Components, Etc/nsswitch.conf Etc/services, User-created files if you specify them