NOTE: For modular packages, the default form for parameter names in the package configuration file is lower case; for legacy packages the default is upper case. There are no compatibility issues; Serviceguard is case-insensitive as far as the parameter names are concerned.

Because this section is intended to be used primarily when you are reconfiguring an existing legacy package, we are using the legacy parameter names (in upper case) for sake of continuity. But if you generate the configuration file using cmmakepkg or cmgetconf, you will see the parameter names as they appear in modular packages; see the notes below and the “Package Parameter Explanations” (page 233) for details of the name changes.

FAILOVER_POLICY. For failover packages, enter the failover_policy (page 237).

FAILBACK_POLICY. For failover packages, enter the failback_policy (page 238).

NODE_NAME. Enter the node or nodes on which the package can run; see node_name (page 235).

AUTO_RUN. Configure the package to start up automatically or manually; see auto_run (page 235).

LOCAL_LAN_FAILOVER_ALLOWED. Enter the policy for local_lan_failover_allowed

(page 241).

NODE_FAIL_FAST_ENABLED. Enter the policy for node_fail_fast_enabled (page 235).

RUN_SCRIPT and HALT_SCRIPT. Specify the pathname of the package control script (described in the next section). No default is provided. Permissions on the file and directory should be set to rwxr-xr-xor r-xr-xr-x(755 or 555).

(Script timeouts): Enter the run_script_timeout (page 236) and halt_script_timeout (page 236).

SG_SCRIPT_LOG_FILE. (optional). Specify the full pathname of the file where the

RUN_SCRIPT and HALT_SCRIPT will log messages. If you do not specify a path, Serviceguard will create a file with “.log” appended to each script path, and put the messages in that file.

Enter the SUBNET or MONITORED_SUBNETs that are to be monitored for this package. They can be IPv4 or an IPv6 subnets, but must not be link-local subnets (link-local package IPs are not allowed).

IMPORTANT: Each subnet specified here must already be specified in the cluster configuration file via the NETWORK_INTERFACE parameter and either the HEARTBEAT_IP or STATIONARY_IP parameter. See “Cluster Configuration Parameters ” (page 109) for more information.

See also “Stationary and Relocatable IP Addresses ” (page 67) and monitored_subnet (page 241).

IMPORTANT: For cross-subnet configurations, see “Configuring Cross-Subnet Failover” (page 309).

If your package runs services, enter the SERVICE_NAME (page 243) and values for

SERVICE_FAIL_FAST_ENABLED (page 244) and SERVICE_HALT_TIMEOUT(page 244). Enter a group of these three for each service.

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HP Serviceguard manual Cluster and Package Maintenance