OC MNP ascii file with legacy style DG and MP package:
OC MNP ascii file with modular style CFS
7.Take backup of all RAC MNP configuration file.
: cmgetconf
8.Edit the backup of RAC MNP ascii file, remove the existing dependency on legacy MP and DG package and add modular CFS
For example
RAC MNP ascii file with legacy style CFS DG and MP package:
RAC MNP ascii file with modular style CFS
9.Shutdown all the RAC MNP, if RAC MNPs is running.
:cmhaltpkg < RAC MNP 1 > < RAC MNP 2 > ...
10.Shutdown the OC MNP, if the OC MNP is running.
:cmhaltpkg < OC MNP >
11.Shutdown the legacy Disk group
:cmhaltpkg <
12.Delete the OC MNP and all the RAC MNPs from cluster
13.Delete all legacy style Disk group MNPs and Mount Point MNPs from cluster
14.Apply and run both modular CFS
:cmrunpkg <
15.Apply the updated OC MNP configuration file which was modified in step number [6]
16.Apply the updated RAC MNP configuration file which was modified in step number [8]
17.You may now start the OC MNP and RAC MNP in the cluster using the
:cmrunpkg < OC MNP > < RAC MNP >
M.SGeRAC Toolkit Adding new ASMDG MNP Package to the existing configured OC MNP and RAC MNP
For ASM over SLVM:
1. Halt all the RAC MNPs.
2. Halt the OC MNP.
3. Remove all SLVM volume groups which are used for RAC Databases from the
OC MNP configuration file or from OC MNP control script(in the case of a legacy OC MNP) except for the SLVM volume group used for the OCR/VOTING Disk.
4. Run cmapplyconf on the OC MNP configuration file.
5. Start the OC MNP.
6. Follow the instructions in the section E of this README and configure new ASMDG MNP package and run cmapplyconf on the ASMDG MNP configuration file.
7. Start ASMDG MNP.
8. Edit the RAC MNP configuration file, and add a dependency on its corresponding ASMDG MNP.
9. Run cmapplyconf on the RAC MNP configuration file. 10.Start the RAC MNP.
ASM over
1. Halt all the RAC MNPs.
2. Following the instructions in the section E of this README, configure the new ASMDG MNP and run cmapplyconf on the ASMDG MNP.