Clusterware parameters in this file directly:
4.Now apply the package configuration file:
1.On one node of the cluster, create an OC MNP working directory under /etc/cmcluster and copy the files in the Toolkit directory /opt/cmcluster/SGeRAC/toolkit/crsp.
All the following steps require root privilege.
:cp /opt/cmcluster/SGeRAC/toolkit/crsp/* .
2.Edit the configuration file oc.conf based on the description in
3.Generate the package configuration file and control script for the OC MNP.
Edit the package template files based on the description in
4.Create the OC MNP working directory on all other participating nodes. Distribute the edited package configuration file, package control script, and the Toolkit scripts created in steps 2 and 3 to all nodes. Then apply the package configuration file from one node:
: cmapplyconf
1.On each node of the cluster, halt the Oracle Clusterware if it is running.
:$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs
2.On one node of the cluster, start the OC MNP via cmrunpkg.
Use cmviewcl to check the package status. There should be only one OC MNP configured in the cluster.
3.After the package is up and running, verify that the Oracle Clusterware is running on each node of the cluster.
On each node, enter:
: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs
For Oracle 10g, messages like the following should be seen:
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
For Oracle 11g R1, messages like the following should be seen: Cluster Synchronization Services appears healthy
Cluster Ready Services appears healthy Event Manager appears healthy
For Oracle 11g R2, messages like the following should be seen:
The RAC instances should not be running.
Note: Steps
1.On one node of the cluster, create an ASMDG MNP working directory under /etc/cmcluster.
2.Go to step 3 if you don't want to test the asm_dg.conf before configuring the ASMDG MNP. Otherwise copy the ASMDG MNP configuration file located in the Toolkit directory /opt/cmcluster/SGeRAC/toolkit/asmp to the ASMDG MNP working directory. Then edit and test the configuration file asm_dg.conf based on the description in
:cp /opt/cmcluster/SGeRAC/toolkit/asmp/asm_dg.conf .