Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) White Paper

What Is CDSA?

Pass-through capabilities to import/export RSA and DSA keys

The Certificate Library (CL) API performs memory-based, syntactic manipulations on X.509v3 certificates and certificate revocation lists. These actions include:

Creating, signing, and verifying certificates and revocation lists

Extracting values (such as public keys) from certificates

Revoking and reinstating certificates

Searching certificate revocation lists

Providing pass-through functionality to manipulate certificate and revocation-list data formats

In addition to the APIs, HP’s implementation of CDSA provides service provider interfaces for use in the development of Trust Policy (TP) and Data Library (DL) modules.


You may notice seemingly duplicated APIs, some whose names begin


CSSM_ followed by a type of service provider (CSP, CL, and so forth),


others whose names begin directly with the service provider designation.


The CSSM_* APIs are intended for application development; that is, to


enable applications to request services of the shared library via the


CSSM. The interfaces whose names begin with the service provider


designation (CSP_, CL_, and so forth) are called SPIs and are used for


developing add-in modules. They are “invisible” to applications.




Chapter 1