D Configure sendmail

LSF requires a mail program to send job output to users who submit jobs and to send administrative messages to the LSF administrator.

By default, LSF uses the sendmail mail program. The sendmail service is installed by default on the head node in /usr/lib/sendmail, but you must configure sendmail to meet your site requirements.

sendmail Configuration Requirements on an HP XC System

Although Linux sendmail typically functions correctly as shipped, current HP XC host naming conventions cause sendmail to improperly identify itself to other mail servers. This improper identification can lead to the mail being rejected by the remote server.

To remedy this issue, perform the following procedure on all nodes with an external connection that will send mail:

1.Be sure you know the fully qualified host name associated with the node's external IP address.

2.On the head node, add an entry for the IP address and fully qualified host name to the top of the /etc/hosts file. Make the entry above the comment #XC-CLUSTER Do Not Edit Below this Line. An entry is similar to the following: penguin.southpole.com

In the previous example, penguin.southpole.com is the fully qualified host name, and is its external IP address.

3.Save the changes to the file and exit the text editor.

4.Use the text editor of your choice to open and edit the following file:


5.Locate the section of the file that is similar to this:

# my official domain name

# ... define this only if sendmail cannot automatically determine

# your domain #Dj$w.Foo.COM

6.Uncomment the macro and include the fully qualified host name. The entry is similar to this for penguin.southpole.com:

# my official domain name

# ... define this only if sendmail cannot automatically determine

# your domain


7.Save the changes to the file and exit the text editor.

8.Use the text editor of your choice to open and edit the following file:


9.Repeat steps 5 and 6 and make the same changes to the sendmail.cf file.

10.Save the changes to the file and exit the text editor.

11.Restart sendmail:

# service sendmail restart

To forward mail to users, the sendmail service requires users to create .forward files in their home directories to specify where mail is to be sent.

If you intend to make additional, more advanced modifications to sendmail, HP recommends that you do not modify the .cf files directly. Rather, modify the .mc files and run them through an M4 processor to create the .cf files. The M4 processing tools are part of the sendmail-cfRPM, which is not installed by default. The sendmail-cfRPM is available on the HP XC distribution DVD in the extra RPMs directory.


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HP Workgroup System AWSXCIG-1A manual Configure sendmail, Locate the section of the file that is similar to this