Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Testing the Hardware
Testing the Hardware
??Automated testing using the basic hardware test.
??Advanced testing using individual hardware tests.
The tests are designed to run after the system reboots. This ensures that the notebook will be in a predictable state, so the diagnostic program can properly test the hardware components. The tests are nondestructive and are intended to preserve the state of the notebook. The notebook reboots when you exit
To run the e-DiagTools diagnostic tests
1.Restart the notebook: click Start, Turn Off Computer, Restart.
2.When the HP logo appears, press F10 to start the diagnostic test.
3.When the menu appears, press Enter to run
The first time you run the program, you will be prompted to select the language for the program.
4.Follow the prompts to run
5.When the Configuration Description appears, verify the list of detected hardware.
6.Run the basic test. Press F2 to start the basic hardware test. The results appear when the test is complete.
7.If you intend to exit without running the advanced tests, press F4 and then F7 to view the Support Ticket. Press Esc and then F3 to exit.
8.Optional: run the advanced tests. Press F2 to open the advanced test screen.
Startup Guide | 45 |