2. Touch the picture to view it in
The picture viewer supports the automatic rotation function. When you rotate your mobile phone, the picture adjusts itself to the rotation.
9.2.3 Rotating a Picture
1.When viewing a picture, touch to display the operations panel.
2.Select either Rotate Left or Rotate Right. The picture is saved with the new orientation.
9.2.4 Cropping a Picture
1.When viewing a picture, touch to display the operation panel, and then touch Crop.
2.Use the cropping tool to select the portion of the picture to crop.
•Drag from the inside of the cropping tool to move it.
•Drag an edge of the cropping tool to resize the image.
•Drag a corner of the cropping tool to resize the image.
3.Touch SAVEto save the cropped picture. Touch CANCELto discard the changes.
9.3 Listening to the FM Radio
The FM radio lets you listen to FM radio programs on your mobile phone. Since the FM radio uses the provided wired stereo headset as its antenna, before opening the application, connect the headset to your phone's the audio jack.
9.3.1 Opening the FM Radio
1.On the Home screen, touch > FM Radioto open the application.
2.The firsttime you openFM radio,touchAutotuning,which automaticallyscansfor available FM channels, saves them as presets, and plays the first FM channel found.
9.3.2 Tuning the FM Radio
Open the FM Radio application, and then do the following: