9.2 Fault symptom
If your Automower® does not work correctly, follow the trouble shooting guide below. If the fault persists; contact your dealer.
Symptom | Cause | Action |
Uneven mowing | Automower® works too few hours per | Increase the mowing time, see 6.4 |
results | day. | Timer (2) on page 49. |
| Working area too large. | Try limiting the working area or |
| extending the working time, see 6.4 |
| Timer (2) on page 49. |
| Dull blades. | Replace all the blades and screws so |
| that the rotating parts are balanced. |
| Long grass in relation to the set cutting | Increase the cutting height and then |
| height. | successively lower. |
| The mower seems to work more at the | Change the Garden shape |
| top of a slope than at the bottom. | setting to Open. |
| Accumulation of grass by the blade | Check that the skid plate and blade |
| disc or around the motor shaft. | disc rotate easily. If not, the skid plate |
| and perhaps the blade disc must be |
| removed and the grass and foreign |
| objects removed. See 8.5 Cleaning on |
| page 67. |
Automower® runs at | The clock on Automower® needs to be | Set the clock, see Time and date |
the wrong time | set. | on page 60. |
| The start and stop times for mowing | Adjust the start and stop time settings |
| are incorrect. | for mowing, see 6.4 Timer (2) on |
| page 49. |
Automower® vibrates | Damaged knives lead to imbalance in | Inspect the blades and screws and |
| the cutting system. | replace them if necessary. |
| Many knives in the same position lead | Check that only one knife is fitted at |
| to imbalance in the cutting system. | each screw. |
Automower® runs, but | Automower® is looking for the charging | No action. The blade disc does not |
the blade disc does | station. | rotate when the mower is searching for |
not rotate |
| the charging station. |
The mower mows for | Grass or a foreign object is blocking | Dismantle and clean the skid plate and |
shorter periods than | the blade disc or skid plate. | blade disc. |
usual between |
charges |
Both the mowing and | The battery is spent. | Contact your dealer to replace the |
charging times are |
| battery. |
shorter than usual |
Automower® starts |
| Change corridor width and/or |
mowing directly |
| reversing distance. |
outside of the |
charging station |
instead of following |
the loop out |
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