Testing Connection to Remote Device ida ReRouter
8.Node ID
This identifier is used by the host to link with thi s workstation when attached to a T/R network. It must be unique within a switched node network.
S/370 - S/390:
Must match the host VTAM IDNUM configuration parameter. Set the Node ID parameter to zero (0) for an establishment controller (e.g. 3174).
This value will be used by AS/400 when automatically creating the APPC controller description for the PC.
9.TP name
The transaction program name (must be in capital letters).
10.Transaction program path / file name
Specifies the full path name, file name and file extension of the C.\<path>\<filename> program.
11.Full PLU name
Specifies the real network name of the Partner LU. The name has two parts:
1.Network ID
2.Partner LU (PLU) as specified within the network
S/370 - S/390:
Network ID is the VTAM NETID.
Partner LU Name is the application’s (e.g. PSF) APPL ID in VTAM.
Remember also to tick the fie ld “Conversation Security verification”.