Workstation Configuration
ida ReRouter
2. Host connection (normally S/370-390):
2a. Select “Activate at startup
2b. Select “Local PU Name
2c. Select "APPN Support" (if needed)
2d. Set "Node ID", see worksheet ( 8)
2e. Set "LAN destination address" to: see worksheet ( 16)
2 f. Specify “Address format” as required
2g. Fill in “Partner network ID” see worksheet ( 11)
2h. Fill in “Partner node name” see worksheet ( 11)
3. Peer node connection (normally AS/400):
3a. Select “Activate at startup
3b. Set "LAN destination address" to see worksheet ( 16)
3c. Specify “Address format
3d. Set “Remote SAP
3e. Fill in the "Partner network ID ", see worksheet (11)
3f. Fill in the "Partner node name ", see worksheet (11)
4. Select "OK"
Connections List
1. Select "Close"
Configuring SNA features
Communications Manager Profile List Sheet
1. Select "SNA Features"
2. Select "Configure"