Problem Determination
ida ReRouter
ROUT0110E: Invalid APPC opcode [...]
Description: The transaction program has discovered an
APPC syntax error.
Action: Try once more. If problem persists, contact your
system administrator.
Note: -
ROUT0111E: APPC error: opcode [...] Primary rc:
Secondary rc:
Description: A situation with a communication failure has occured.
Action: Check the configuration to the Host and the
Communications Manager/2.
Try once more, if problem persists then contact
your system administrator.
Note: -
ROUT0600E: Invalid IP Address value [...]
Description: The IP address in the idaRoute.ini file is invalid.
Action: Re-define the configuration value.
Note: -
ROUT0601E: Invalid Port No Value [...]
Description: The Port number defined in the idaRoute.ini file is invalid.
Action: Re-define the configuration value.
Note: -
ROUT0602E: Invalid connect timeout value [...]
Description: The value defined for the time out period is invalid.
Action: Re-define the configuration value.
Note: -
ROUT0603E: TCP/IP socket error [...]
Description: A situation with a communication failure has occurred.
Action: Check the remote device to see if it is ready and active.
"Ping" the remote device (for details.see
chapter 8:”Testing the Remote Device").
Note: -