Section 8 Device Message Details
SYSTern : BUZZer <boolean>
Command type | Sequential command |
Parameter | <boolean> = <BOOLEAN PROGRAM DATA> |
| OFF or 0 ...... Buzzer OFF |
| ON or 1 ........ Buzzer ON |
Function | Switches the buzzer ON and OFF. |
Example of use | Switches the buzzer ON. |
| < : SYSTem : BUZZer ON |
:SYSTem : BUZZer?
Command type | Sequential command | |
| 0 | Buzzer OFF |
| 1 | Buzzer ON |
Function | Makes a query of the buzzer setting status | |
Example of use | > : SYSTem : BUZZer? | |
| < 1 |
:SYSTern : ERRor?
Command type | Sequential command |
Response | |
| |
| |
Example of use | > : SYSTem : ERRor? |
| < |
:SYSTern : VERSion?
Command type | Sequential command |
Response | <version> |
| <version> = <NR2 NUMERIC RESPONSE DATA> |
| YYYY.V ..... YYYY (year), V (revision number) |
Function | Makes a query of the version of SCPI to which this device conforms. |
Example of uhe | > : SYSTem : VERSion? |
| < 1993.0 |