8.3 Device-Specific Commands
8.3.6SYSTem Subsystem
The SYSTem subsystem performs control (setting and display) of memory, buzzer and other items.
: SYSTem | : MEMory 7 : RECall | <numeric> |
| STORe | <numeric> |
| CLEar | <numeric> |
| LABel | <numeric>, <title> |
| LABel? | <numeric> |
: DATE? |
: TIME | <numeric 12, <numeric 2>, |
| <numeric 3 r |
: TIME? |
: BUZZer | <boolean> |
:SYSTem : MEMory : RECall <numeric>
Command type | Sequential command |
Parameter | <numeric> = <DECIMAL NUMERIC PROGRAM DATA> |
| 0 to 10 ......... Memory number 0 to Memory number 1 0 |
Function | Calls the set data from memory |
Restriction | Specifying a memory number where no data is written will result in a run time error. |
Example of use | Calls data from memory number 1. |
:SYSTem : MEMory : RECall 1
:SYSTem : MEMory : STORe <numeric>
Command type | Sequential command |
Parameter | <numeric> = <DECIMAL NUMERIC PROGRAM DATA> |
| 1 to 10 ......... Memory number 0 to Memory number 10 |
Function | Writes set data into memory. |
Example of use | Writes data into memory number 3. |
| : SYSTem : MEMory : STORe 3 |