| A.l Command Errors |
| Table | ||
Code | Messaae |
| Error Detection Condition |
Invalid character | An invalid character is included in the header or the parameter. | ||
| Example: | 1. A # is included in the header. |
| : SENSe : TELecom : #RATe MI39 |
| 2. A $ is included in the parameter. |
| : SENSe : TELecom : PATTem : TYPE PRB$ I 1 |
Data type error | The parameter type is different to the type specified. | ||
GET not allowed | A Group Execute Tngger was sent to the program message. | ||
- 108 | Parameter not allowed | The number of parameters is greater than the number specified. | |
| Example: | Four parameter have been sent to the Section where two param- |
| eters were originally specified. |
| : SENSe : TELecom : DEMux : ROUTe M34,1,M8,2 |
-1 12 Program mnemonic too long
-1 13 Undefined header
-120 Numeric data error
~- -
-121 Invalid character in number
-130 Suffix error
A program mnemonic comes in 12 or more characters.
Example: A colon is missing from the header.
:CALCulate : TELecom : PERFormanceTYPE G82 1
Although the header syntax is correct, it is not defined by the device.
Example: The header was erroneously written.
:SENSe : TELecom : DEMux : ROOT M34,l
An error was found in the numeric data.
An inappropriate character is included in the numeric data.
Example: A sign is included in the numeric data.
:SENSe : TELecom : M3 : MCHannel 3$
An error was found in the suffix.
Example: A part of data was set in alphabet while the parameter is numeric
:SENSe : TELecom : M2 : MCHannel 31
-144 Character data too long
-150 S t r ~ n gdata error
The character data is more than 12 characters.
The string data comes outside the specified range.
Example: Single and double quotations are mixed.