8.3 Device-Specific Commands
:SENSe :TELecom : BRATe <brate>
Command type Parameter
Example of use
Sequential command |
| |
| ||
(Standard) |
| (Option 05) |
M2488 | 2,488 Mbitls | M3069 | 3,069 Mbit/s |
M4977 | 4,977 Mbit/s | M6138 | 6.138 Mbit/s |
M9953 | 9,953 Mbit/s | M 12276 | 12,276 Mbit/s |
(Option 01) |
| (Option 06) |
M2494 | 2,494 Mbit/s | M2677 | 2,677 Mbit/s |
M4988 | 4.988 Mbit/s | M5355 | 5,355 Mbit/s |
M9977 | 9,977 Mbit/s | M 10709 | 10,709 Mbitls |
(Option 02) |
| (Option 07) |
M2666 | 2,666 Mbit/s | M2578 | 2,578 Mbit/s |
M5332 | 5,332 Mbit/s | M5156 | 5,156 Mbit/s |
MI0664 | 10,664 Mbit/s | MI0313 | 10,313 Mbit/s |
(Option 04) |
M3062 | 3.062 Mbit/s |
M6125 | 6,125 Mbit/s |
Mi2249 | 12,249 Mbit/s |
Sets the sign speed of receiving signal.
Sending the command while the option above is not set results in a run time error.
Sets the sign speed of the reception signal to 9,953 Mbit/s.
>: SENSe : TELecom : BRATe M9953
SENSe : TELecom : BRATe?
| - |
Command type | Sequential command |
Response | <brate> = <CHARACTER RESPONSE DATA> |
Function | Makes a query of the sign speed of the reception signal. |
Example of use> : SENSe : TELecom : BRATe?