3.1 Listener Input Program Message Format
1 hi. URI I F* ~ r : dKf . \ I > io11111i~nt1~k thec tolloutng forrn,~tj
- |
Outputs data to the devlce
MFormat-- -
WRITE @ Dev~cenumber Data
1Charxter string expression
.. |
<Example> The same as the example given on the previous page.
WRITE @03-
Listener address
iin case that the GPlB address of the 10 GHz J~tterAnalyzer is set at 3 )
Subst~tutesthe data Input froin the dev~ceto the var~dble
I F o r m a t - |
READ @Dev~cenumber Vanable |
<Example> Substitutes the data input from the device (input tangent~alline setting)
to the variable, A$.
WRITE @03 : ": SENS : TEL : RANG?" t Inquires about the input
READ 0 0 3 : A$ | tangential line setting. |
i |
L i s t x e r address |
(irl case that the GPlB address of the 10 G!iz | Jitter Analyzer is set at 3 ) |