Workstation Configuration
ida ReRouter
7.1.3 AS/400 Network Configuration Worksheet
This section provides details on the configuration worksheets for two remote devices connected to the ida ReRouter: the ida 913-03
Token Ring and the ida PS 13.
First device: ida 913-03 Token Ring - Part 1.
WORKSTATION: Comm. Manager/2 LAPS TR LINE APPCController
1Configuration filename TOKENR
Token Ring DCL Profile
2Adapter number 0 0
3Max. link stations 2
4Max.RU size 1024 1024 *CALC
Local Node Characteristics
6Network name (ID) DKIDTN01 DKIDTN01
7Local node name IDATA1 IDATA1
8Local Node ID 05D 00000 05D 00000
Transaction Program Def.
9TP name $DPF
10 Program path / name C:\IDAROUTE\IDAROUTE.EXE
Partner LU
11 Full PLU name
Partner network ID DKIDTN01. DKIDTN01.
Partner node name S4450327 S4450327
Local LU
12 Local LU name RER1
13 Local LU alias MYALIAS
14 Local LU address
15 Destination address 40000B100002 40000B100002
16 LAN Adapter addr. 40005A0000D5
17 IP Address
18 Port No. .
Mode Profile
19 Mode name QSPWTR