RS/6000 Introduction 3
The following sections provide an overview of the models that are the subject
of this publication.
1.2 RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 140 OverviewThe main purpose of summarizing the IBM RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 140 in
this publication is to provide you with some background of this system. The
Model 140 is one of the most successful RS/6000 products that IBM has
announced in the workstation marketplace. Over 10,000 applications are
supported on this platform.
On October 6, 1997, IBM announced the PowerPC 604e 332 MHz
microprocessor option for the RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 140 as a new
member of the RS/6000 workstation and server family. The PowerPC 604e
332 MHz microprocessor is an easy upgrade from the current microprocessor
available with 200 MHz and 233 MHz processor options. The PowerPC 604e
332 MHz microprocessor option shows IBM’s commitment to improve the
value of its products and to protect existing investment.
More detailed information about the Model 140 can be found in Appendix A,
“RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 140” on page 241.
1.3 RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 150 OverviewThe IBM RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 150 is an entry-level desktop RS/6000
workstation or workgroup server offered at an affordable price. The Model
150 provides a continuation of the successful line of entry workstations,
offering enhanced performance over the Model 140.
The Model 150 is a uni-processor system that provides enhanced
performance by utilizing a 375 MHz PowerPC 604e processor and an
enhanced memory controller. With this memory controller, the Model 150
uses SDRAM memory and an 83 MHz memory bus speed. The system
memory can be expanded up to 1 GB.
With Ethernet and Ultra SCSI controllers integrated on the planar, five PCI
slots and bays, the Model 150 is ready for expansion and growth.
The Model 150 is shown in Figure 2 on page 4.