Kkeyboard 59, 85
LL1 cache 39
Least Recently Used 42
Round-Robin 42
set associativity 40
L2 cache 39
LINPACK DP description 12
LINPACK SP description 12
LINPACK TPP description 12
LocalTalk, industry-standard interface 24
logform, command 238
lsattr, command 150
lscfg, command 150, 227
lsdisp, command 144
lslv, command 239
hierarchy 39
memory configuration 201
memory deconfiguration 201
memory slot configuration for Model 260 84
memory subsystem
Model 150 52
Model 260 72
MESI protocol 45
microphone 61, 87
Microprocessor Common Hardware Reference Plat-
form 21
microprocessor future 13
create 217
restore 217
mksysb, command 217
Model 140
key attributes 241
multi-monitor adapter 241
optional features 244
overview 3
standard features 243
Model 150
adapter placement guidelines 66
boot sequence 167
communications adapter 62
firmware checkpoints 184
graphic peripheral devices 60
graphics adapters 60
internal CD-ROM drive 59
internal disk drives 59
internal tape drive 59
key attributes 4
memory subsystems 52
optional features 58
overview 3
PCI storage adapters 62
performance 13
processor subsystem 50
reliability, availability, and serviceability 56
standard features 50
supported devices 63
Model 260
adapter placement guidelines 92
boot sequence 168
communications adapters 89
fast system boot 197
firmware checkpoints 184
graphic peripheral devices 86
graphics adapters 85
I/O board components 71
integrated Ethernet adapter 55, 77
internal CD-ROM drive 75, 84
internal disk drives 84
internal tape drives 84
key attributes 7
memory configuration/deconfiguration 201
memory subsystem 72
optional features 82
overview 6
PCI storage adapters 88
performance 13
processor configuration/deconfiguration 200
processor subsystem 69
rear view 77
reliability, availability, and serviceability 79
standard features 69
supported devices 89
system architecture 69
monitors 61, 86
Motorola Inc., regarding CHRP 21
mouse 60, 85
multiple port adapters 133
cache coherency problem 44
cache hit versus cache miss 40