6 RS/6000 43P 7043 Models 150 and 260 Handbook
• System expansion:
• RAM: Up to 1 GB
• Internal storage: 27.3 GB max
• External disk storage:
• Maximum external SCSI with expansion units: Up to 254.8 GB
• Maximum external SSA with expansion units: Up to 873.6 GB
• System dimensions:
• 6.5" H x 16.5" W x 18.1" D (165 mm x 420 mm x 460 mm)
• Weight: 14.5 kg (32 lbs)-Base configuration; 18.0 kg (40 lbs)-Full
featured configuration
• Operating environment
• Temperature: 16 to 32 degrees C (60 to 90 F)
• Relative Humidity: 8 to 80 (percent)
• Operating Voltage: 100 to 125 V AC or 200 to 245 V AC 50/60 Hz
(manual switch)
• Warranty:
• On-site for one year
1.4 RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 260 OverviewThe RS/6000 43P 7043 Model 260 is a one-way or two-way symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP) system with the power to run complex commercial,
business and engineering applications.
The Model 260 provides enhanced performance over its predecessor, the
Model 240, by utilizing a 200 MHz POWER3 processor and an enhanced
memory controller. With this memory controller, the Model 260 uses ECC
SDRAM memory and a 100 MHz memory bus speed. The system memory
can be expanded up to 4 GB.
With Ethernet and Ultra SCSI controllers integrated on the planar, the Model
260 also contains five PCI slots and bays for expansion and growth capability.
Designed with reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features
typically found in higher-priced systems, such as Error Checking and
Correcting (ECC) memory and an integrated service processor, the Model
260 can help keep your mission-critical business, technical applications, and
networks running twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.