IBM GC09-2830-00 Worksheet Parameter Values for Cataloging Databases, databasename, databasealias

Models: GC09-2830-00

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database name (database_name). The information in the database directory, along with the information in the node directory, is used on the DB2 Connect workstation to establish a connection to the remote database.

To catalog a database on the DB2 Connect Workstation, perform the following steps.

Step 1. Log on to the system as a user with System Administrative (SYSADM) or System Controller (SYSCTRL) authority.

Step 2. Fill in the Your Value column in the following worksheet.

Table 6. Worksheet: Parameter Values for Cataloging Databases



Sample Value

Your Value





Database name

The local DCS database name




(local_dcsname) of the remote




database. You speci®ed this




when you catalogued the DCS




database directory. For example,











Database alias

An arbitrary local nickname for




the remote database. If you do




not provide one, the default is




the same as the database name




(database_name). This is the name




that you use when connecting to




the database from a client.







Node name

The name of the node directory




entry that describes where the




database resides. Use the same




value for node name (node_name)




that you used to catalog the




node in the previous step.







Step 3. Catalog the database by entering the following commands:

catalog database database_name as database_alias at node node_name terminate

For example, to catalog the DCS known database ny so that it has the local database alias localny, on the node db2node, enter the following commands:

catalog database ny as localny at node db2node terminate

Chapter 7. Con®guring APPC Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation 93

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IBM GC09-2830-00 Worksheet Parameter Values for Cataloging Databases, databasename, localdcsname of the remote, Node name