Appendix D
S4Response formatting character (user defined)
This register determines the ASCII value used as the line feed character. The modem uses a line feed character in command mode when it responds to the computer.
Default: 10 (line feed)
Units: ASCII
S5Command line editing character (user defined)
This register sets the character recognized as a backspace and pertains to asynchronous only. The modem will not recognize the backspace character if it is set to a value that is greater than 32 ASCII. This charac- ter can be used to edit a command line. When the echo command is enabled, the modem echoes back to the local DTE the backspace char- acter, an ASCII space character, and a second backspace character. This means a total of three characters are transmitted each time the modem processes the backspace character.
Default: 8 (backspace)
Units: ASCII
S6Wait before dialing
This register sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem must wait (pause) after going
Default: 3
Units: seconds