Pseudo-conversational Transaction Support
CICS pseudo-conversational support for REXX execs is supported though the use of the CICS RETURN
TRANSID() command, by the REXX/CICS PSEUDO command (see section “PSEUDO” on page 362), and
the SETSYS PSEUDO command (see section “SETSYS” on page 371).
Interfaces to Other Programming Languages
REXX/CICS supports (by support for CICS LINK and CICS XCTL REXX/CICS commands) the ability to
invoke CICS programs written in any REXX/CICS supported language. It likewise provides the same
support for the programs used to implement new REXX commands, which are defined by using the
DEFCMD and DEFSCMD commands. Support is also provided to allow an EXEC CICS START to be
issued from REXX execs.
DBCS Support
The full range of DBCS functions and handling techniques that are included in SAA Level 2 REXX are
available to the REXX/CICS user.
Miscellaneous Features
vA TERMID command has been provided to return the four character terminal identifier of a CICS user.
vA retrieve PF key may be specified to retrieve the last input line entered using line-mode I/O while in the
REXXTRY interactive utility (CICRXTRY exec). Refer to the SET RETRIEVE command.
vThe SET TERMOUT command allows line-mode terminal output (from SAYor TRACE) to be directed to
a CICS temporary storage queue instead of, or in addition to, the terminal.
vThe PULL instruction sets the REXX variable PULLKEY,with the name of the AID key pressed if PULL
read data from the terminal.
vLine-mode output to the terminal causes MORE to appear in the lower right hand corner of the screen,
when the screen is full. Press Clear or Enter to proceed.
vLine-mode input from the terminal causes READ to appear in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
REXX General Concepts
Chapter 12. REXX General Concepts 129