Return Codes
4Warning. Panel facility continues processing. Processing stops for other return code values.
8Programmer error
10 Programmer error, PAN.REAcontains more information to help determine the cause of the error.
See section “State Codes and Input Codes” on page 308 for more information.
12 CICS command error; the CICS EIBRESP is returned in the panel reason code. If the error is not
programmer resolvable, save and collect as much information as needed to recreate the error and
contact IBM support.
14 RFS errors; reason code contains the RFS return code
16 Internal system error; save and collect as much information as needed to recreate the error and
contact IBM support.
System Error Reason Codes
401 Panel facility ran out of storage space while processing the command
402 Internal control character identifier table and control character informational table are out of
403 Panel object data has been corrupted. First check to see the file is correct and that it is a panel
404 CICS receive buffer corrupted
405 Bad validation request
406 Storage free request failed
407 Storage get request failed
408 Attempt to get/put REXX variable failed
409 Aid is unknown
410 Dynamic match error
Programmer Introduced Warning/Error Reason Codes
101 Keyword repeated or keyword within a like category was repeated. For example, RED and BLUE;
102 Keywords are incompatible. For example, PROTECT and NUMERIC
103 Missing keyword or panel name
104 The control character being defined is invalid or missing
105 Panel is too large for the screen
108 Parenthesis missing
109 Pad character invalid
110 Task has no associated terminal
111 Panel has no input fields defined during a receive
112 Panel name is invalid
115 REXX variable name (or field ID) is invalid
116 Number is specified incorrectly. Explicit length value in panel source or row col value
Panel Facility
Chapter 24. REXX/CICS Panel Facility 307