ABBREV (Abbreviation)
 ABBREV(information,info
) 
returns 1if info is equal to the leading characters of information and the length of info is not less than
length. Returns 0if either of these conditions is not met.
If you specify length, it must be a positive whole number or zero. The default for length is the number of
characters in info.
Here are some examples:
ABBREV('Print','Pri') -> 1
ABBREV('PRINT','Pri') -> 0
ABBREV('PRINT','PRI',4) -> 0
ABBREV('PRINT','') -> 1
ABBREV('PRINT','',1) -> 0
Note: A null string always matches if a length of 0(or the default) is used. This allows a default keyword
to be selected automatically if desired; for example:
say 'Enter option:'; pull option .
select /* keyword1 is to be the default */
when abbrev('keyword1',option) then ...
when abbrev('keyword2',option) then ...
otherwise nop;
ABS (Absolute Value)
 ABS(number) 
returns the absolute value of number. The result has no sign and is formatted according to the current
NUMERIC settings.
Here are some examples:
ABS('12.3') -> 12.3
ABS(' -0.307') -> 0.307
 ADDRESS() 
returns the name of the environment to which commands are currently being submitted. The environment
may be a name of a subcommand environment. See the ADDRESS instruction (page “Purpose” on page
132) for more information. Trailing blanks are removed from the result.
Here are some examples:
ADDRESS() -> 'CICS' /* default under CICS */
ADDRESS() -> 'EDITSVR' /* default under CICS editor */
ARG (Argument)
 ARG(
) 
Chapter 14. Functions 175