Other useful built-in functions to test input are WORDS, VERIFY, LENGTH, and SIGN.
Exercise - Writing a program with Built-In Functions
Write a program that checks a file name for a length of 8 characters. If the name is longer than 8
characters, the program truncates it to 8 and sends a message indicating the shortened name. Use the
built-in functions LENGTH, see page 188, and SUBSTR, see page 192.
/***************************** REXX *********************************/
/* This program tests the length of a file name. */
/* If the name is longer than 8 characters, the program truncates */
/* extra characters and sends a message indicating the shortened */
/* name. */
PULL name /* Gets name from input stream */
IF LENGTH(name) > 8 THEN /* Name is longer than 8 characters */
DOname = SUBSTR(name,1,8) /* Shorten name to first 8 characters */
SAY 'The name you specified was too long.'
SAY name 'will be used.'
Figure 28. Possible Solution
Using Functions
56 CICS TS for VSE/ESA: REXX Guide