; 
PUSH stacks the string resulting from the evaluation of expression LIFO (Last In, First Out) onto the
external data queue.
If you do not specify expression, a null string is stacked.
Note: The REXX/CICS implementation of the external data queue is the program stack. The language
processor reads a line from the program stack. If the program stack is empty, a terminal read
occurs. The program stack for you is in an RLS queue named \SYSTEM\rexxtnum\*PROGSTACK*
where rexxtrnum is an internal REXX task number.
For information on named queues, see the REXX List System LPUSH command, section “LPUSH” on
page 276.
push /* Puts a null line onto the queue */
push a 2 /* Puts "Fred 2" onto the queue */
The QUEUED built-in function (described on page 190) returns the number of lines currently in the
external data queue.


Chapter 13. Keyword Instructions 159