 CONVTMAP lib.sublib(mem.type)rfs_fileid 
CONVTMAP reads a VSE Librarian sublibrary member and converts a DSECT (created by a previously
assembled BMS map) into a structure, and stores the result in a REXX File System file. The BMS map
used as input to CONVTMAP must be in assembler language format. The resulting output file is formatted
as a REXX file structure.
specifies a VSE Librarian sublibrary member.
specifies a fully qualified REXX File system file, or only the REXX file name. If a fully qualified name is
not supplied, the curent REXX directory is used to store the file.
Return Codes
nspecifies the return code from the attempt to process the VSE Librarian sublibrary member.
0Normal return
-302 Invalid operand
-321 Invalid input record
-322 RFS error writing output file
This example shows the input BMS map DSECT, MAP1, a member in the VSE Librarian sublibrary
REXX.REXC, being formatted and written out to the RFS file POOL1:\USERS\USER1\MAP1.DATA.
326 CICS TS for VSE/ESA: REXX Guide