Arithmetic Functions
Function Description
ABS Returnsthe absolute value of the input number.
DIGITS Returns the current setting of NUMERIC DIGITS.
FORM Returns the current setting of NUMERIC FORM.
FUZZ Returns the current setting of NUMERIC FUZZ.
MAX Returns the largest number from the list specified, formatted according to the current NUMERIC
MIN Returns the smallest number from the list specified, formatted according to the current
NUMERIC settings.
RANDOM Returns a quasi-random, non-negative whole number in the range specified.
SIGN Returns a number that indicates the sign of the input number.
TRUNC Returnsthe integer part of the input number and optionally a specified number of decimal
Comparison Functions
Function Description
COMPARE Returns0if the two input strings are identical. Otherwise, returns the position of the first
character that does not match.
DATATYPE Returns a string indicating the input string is a particular data type, such as a number or
SYMBOL Returns VAR,LIT,orBAD to indicate the state of the symbol (variable, literal, or bad).
Conversion Functions
Function Description
B2X Returns the hexadecimal representation of the input binary string. (Binary to Hexadecimal).
C2D Returnsthe decimal representation of the input character string. (Character to Decimal).
C2X Returns the hexadecimal representation of the input character string. (Character to
D2C Returnsthe character representation of the input decimal string. (Decimal to Character).
D2X Returns the hexadecimal representation of the input decimal string. (Decimal to Hexadecimal).
X2B Returns the binary representation of the input hexadecimal string. (Hexadecimal to Binary).
X2C Returns the character representation of the input hexadecimal string. (Hexadecimal to
X2D Returns the decimal representation of the input hexadecimal string. (Hexadecimal to Decimal).
Using Functions
Chapter 5. Using Functions 53