'DOWN 5'
This example scrolls forward through the file five lines.
lib.sublib(mem.type) LIB
( MACRO macroname
EDIT opens a new edit session.
specifies the file ID of the file to be created or edited.
specifies a VSE Librarian sublibrary and member to be edited.
is a keyword that follows a VSE Librarian sublibrary member name when a sublibrary member is being
is a keyword specifying a group of instructions applied to the file being edited.
specifies the file name portion of the profile macro file ID (REXX exec name).
Return Codes
0Normal return
203 File not found
204 Not authorized
211 Invalid file ID
226 File is currently being edited
299 Internal error
This example opens an edit session for the file TEST.EXEC.
1. The directory used when editing a file, is determined as follows:
vIf a fully qualified directory ID is explicitly given, then it is always used.
vIf a partially qualified file ID is specified, then the current directory and path are searched in an
attempt to find an existing file that would match the file ID (if it were fully resolved using that
directory name).
If such a match is successful, then the edit session is for an existing file and the file ID is fully
resolved using the directory the file was found in.
If the file is not located in the search order, then an edit session for a new file is created, with the
fully resolved file ID specifying the current working directory (as specified by the CD command).
2. A VSE Librarian sublibrary member is distinguished by using the keyword LIB after the member name.
Members must be enclosed in parentheses, quotes are not allowed.
Text Editor
240 CICS TS for VSE/ESA: REXX Guide