Note: This is an authorized command.
 FILEPOOL DEFINE poolid dirid fileid (
FORMAT poolid
ADD poolid fileid
FILEPOOL performs RFS file pool administration activities.
defines a new RFS file pool.
specifies the name of the target file pool.
specifies the CICS file identifier of the file pool directory.
specifies the CICS file identifier of the VSAM file for the file pool.
is an optional keyword indicating that this is a user file pool, and you automatically have a \USERS
directory created, so that multiple users share this file pool, using RFS security (as compared to CICS
security) to control access to directories.
formats the first file in a new RFS file pool.
adds an additional VSAM file to an existing file pool.
Return Codes
0Normal return
1802 Invalid operand
1821 Invalid file pool subcommand
1822 File pool subcommand not specified
1823 Error storing file pool information
1824 File pool ID not specified
1825 Error retrieving file pool information
1826 Invalid file pool ID
1827 Invalid file pool data retrieved
1828 File pool not defined
1829 RFS could not add library to file pool
1830 RFS could not create users directory
1831 CICS file identifier for the file pool must be specified
1832 Invalid CICS file identifier
1833 File pool variable corrupted
1834 Pool ID already exists
1835 CICS file identifier already used
1836 Could not format file pool
1837 File pool needs to be formatted first
1838 File pool ADD record is full
1839 File ID is not found
350 CICS TS for VSE/ESA: REXX Guide