This next example has additional features that are popular with some programmers. Keywords written in

uppercase and a different indentation style highlight the structure of the code; the abundant comments

recall the detail of the specification.

/* SAMPLE #2: A portion of CATMOUSE EXEC */
/* divided into segments and written with 'some' */
/* indentation and 'some' comments. */
/* Main program */
do forever
call display
/* Mouse's turn */
pull move
if datatype(move,whole) & move >= 0 & move <=2
then select
when mouse+move > len then nop /* hits wall */
when cat > mouse,
& mouse + move >= cat, /* hits cat */
then mouse = cat
otherwise /* moves */
mouse = mouse + move
if mouse = hole then leave /* reaches hole */
if mouse = cat then leave /* hits cat */
/* Cat's turn */
jump = random(1,spring)
if cat > mouse then do /* cat tries to jump left */
if cat - jump < 1 then nop /* hits wall */
else cat = cat - jump
else do /* cat tries to jump right */
if cat + jump > len then nop /* hits wall */
else cat = cat + jump
if cat = mouse then leave
/* Conclusion */
call display
if cat = mouse then say "Cat wins"
else say "Mouse wins"
Programming Style and Techniques
98 CICS TS for VSE/ESA: REXX Guide